Student reading at a desk in the Hackney Downs centre during a Primary FOCUS Week

IntoUniversity Hackney Downs

St James’ Church Hall
Powell Rd
E5 8DJ

020 8525 9619

IntoUniversity Hackney Downs was officially launched in February 2013 and was our 10th IntoUniversity centre.

To learn more about the centre team please explore below. If you have any questions, please do get in touch and the team will be happy to answer any of your queries.

“Academic Support has done an excellent job of supporting my child academically and socially. He really values the support given when he comes to your centre and has commented on how friendly and helpful the team are. He has asked to change the day he would usually attend Academic Support so he can still attend weekly and go to his sports club, highlighting how much he enjoys the sessions. I’m very thankful that he was able to still attend sessions virtually when we went into lockdown. The continuous support has been great, thank you.” – Parent of Secondary Academic Support student

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The Centre Team

Supported by

Supported by


Supported by

Drapers' Company

Supported by

A&O Shearman

Our activities

Our activities

Secondary Academic Support

Support from graduate staff and university-educated volunteers on schoolwork and exam revision. Support with UCAS, career options and personal development.

Our activities

Primary Academic Support

Support from graduate staff and university-educated volunteers on schoolwork and a target approach to improving literacy and numeracy.

Our activities


Mentoring opportunities for students with partner universities and local businesses.