BlackRock Charity of the Year 2017-18

IntoUniversity is a BlackRock EMEA Charity of the Year for 2017-18.

IntoUniversity has been selected by the world’s largest asset management firm BlackRock as a Charity of the Year for 2017-18.

Our Charity of the Year partnership with BlackRock represents an excellent fundraising opportunity for the charity, as well as a chance for BlackRock employees to volunteer with IntoUniversity via mentoring schemes, student and staff training sessions and the Big City Bright Future work experience programme, set up by the two organisations in 2015.

Dr Rachel Carr OBE, Chief Executive and Co-Founder of IntoUniversity, said:

“We are absolutely delighted that IntoUniversity has been selected as a BlackRock EMEA Charity of the Year for 2017-18. This support comes at a key moment for our education charity as we launch a new phase of growth.”

“With this key support from BlackRock we’ll be able to bring a life-changing university education within the reach of even more students from some of the UK’s poorest homes.”

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IntoUniversity is a BlackRock EMEA Charity of the Year for 2017-18.