Hani’s story

IntoUniversity are supporting thousands of young people on their journeys to a bright new future. This is Hani's story.

Hani was born in Saudi Arabia and was raised there for the first ten years of his life.

“My parents always emphasised the importance of making the most of our education. For them, it was a key part of ensuring we were successful and secure.”

“There are plenty of factors which make it difficult or even unappealing to people who are from economically disadvantaged backgrounds to gain access to Higher Education. IntoUniversity helps bridge that gap.”

“After getting involved in the scheme, I was introduced to my corporate mentor. He was supportive and made my application to university seem far less daunting. They also helped me out my connecting me with university students in order to help me with the trickier modules in my A-levels.”

Watch Hani’s full story on our YouTube channel


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IntoUniversity are supporting thousands of young people on their journeys to a bright new future. This is Hani's story.