Iman’s story
Iman has engaged with IntoUniversity for over 10 years. Iman has developed significantly with the support from staff and volunteers at the Brixton centre who have guided Iman through her school years. Iman is delighted to continue furthering her studies in Neuroscience at Middlesex University.
Iman joined IntoUniversity Brixton in 2013 and has been involved in a variety of programmes for over 10 years. Iman has developed significantly in her post-16 years with the support of staff and volunteers at the centre. Iman also received tailored support from her corporate mentor, Phoebe, who has played a crucial role in guiding Iman through her final year in school. Iman is delighted to continue furthering her studies in Neuroscience at Middlesex University.
What do you hope to achieve by coming to IntoUniversity?
“I’ve been coming to IntoUniversity for 10 years. One of the main reasons I come back here is that it’s a good and quiet space to study and focus. IntoUniversity has helped me to get better grades. I also have lots of work experience opportunities which I could go to, learn from and write on my CV. For example, I took part in King’s College London Medicine programme which gave me the opportunity to [learn more about] becoming a general practitioner – it was great! I also took part in the Explore Oxbridge programme! These experiences have helped me decide what I want to do in the future.”
How has IntoUniversity helped you?
“At IntoUniversity, you are constantly meeting new people such as staff members. I have definitely become more confident speaking to adults outside of IntoUniversity because I have been speaking to staff and my mentor. I went to an event at BlackRock and met lots of new people – it was exciting!”
What is your best memory of IntoUniversity? Why?
“I took part in the [Academy of Enterprise programme] where I got to become an entrepreneur for a few days. It was very fun and I did it with my siblings. We built a new business idea, made the products and sold them at Brixton Market. I was so scared of selling [the products] in the beginning, but doing things like this helped to boost my confidence in a similar situation.”
What do you most enjoy about IntoUniversity?
“I’ve done so many things that it’s difficult to remember them all! One time, we went to a Frozen on Ice show – IntoUniversity gave us tickets. I’ve also met so many staff and new friends. At the 10-year anniversary event, I got to see lots of the old staff that came back for the celebration. I even did a speech with my little cousin – it was nerve-wracking but a great experience.”
Which IntoUniversity programme did you find most beneficial and why?
“Academic Support, which is the programme I’ve been attending [consistently] the past 10 years. In Primary, we had different things to do on different topics such as History and Biology. In Secondary, we had Future Readiness projects which are extra projects you can do that’s not school-related. It gives you a break from schoolwork and teaches you different things.”
How has IntoUniversity supported you to think about your future?
“All the work experience I have done with IntoUniversity has helped me work out that I want to go into healthcare and pinpoint exactly what I want to do. The Mentoring programme also helped me with my schoolwork [when I had a university student mentor], and with my future goals [with my corporate mentor]. We have worked on UCAS and my personal statement, student finance, and on my Big City Bright Future internship application. It’s been great having someone who has been through the university process to help to guide me through it.
“Overall, IntoUniversity has been instrumental in supporting my academic journey, helping with my schoolwork, university applications, communication skills, and so much more.”
Iman is one of the 250,000 students IntoUniversity has supported since 2002.