Laylen’s story

Laylen first attended a ‘Careers in Action’ workshop with his school when he was in Year 4. He attends Primary Academic Support every week and also benefits from the one-to-one support offered through the Mentoring programme.

Centre staff have seen Laylen thrive in the IntoUniversity classroom – making new friends, regularly contributing to class discussions and working successfully in teams to complete activities.

“The staff at IntoUniversity all help me with my homework and make sure that I get it all done to a high standard. I keep coming back to IntoUniversity so that I can get all of my homework done ready for the next week as I find it really useful being supported by the IntoUniversity staff members. All the staff members always support me with answering questions and all of the tricky tasks that I have to do as well.

Laylen at IntoUniversity Southampton West

Laylen at IntoUniversity Southampton West

I think I have improved my English skills and my creative technology skills. Also I have learnt how to tackle tricky Maths questions. I think one of the skills I have developed is definitely my drawing and sketching. One time at IntoUniversity we were learning about spies and James Bond – I think Jenny [an IntoUniversity staff member] helped me to pick out a picture of a spy and I had to sketch around it and draw his different features.’

I think one of my favourite trips was definitely when we did the Business Holiday FOCUS Week. There were some really good ideas from each team. Me and my group created Tutti Frutti and I enjoyed making pages for Facebook and Instagram, which is also one of my favourite memories. I learnt about pricing and we had to put a lot of work into it designing the logo and designing the label. Also selecting the right price and learning about profit.’

I’d probably say Academic Support has been the most beneficial programme for me because I also get to see all the different people from different schools and my friends. Whenever I need any help they are always there to support me. Academic support with the IntoUniversity staff help you to do your SATs work in SATs society in Year 6 and help you with your homework as well. I always feel really supported by the IntoUniversity staff as they can give you a helping hand when you need it.”

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Laylen first attended a ‘Careers in Action’ workshop with his school when he was in Year 4. He attends Primary Academic Support every week and also benefits from the one-to-one support offered through the Mentoring programme.