Princess’ story
Princess started attending IntoUniversity in 2022 and particularly values having a space where she can learn, spend time with other students, as well as access resources such as textbooks and laptops.
Since attending IntoUniversity Leeds Extension, Princess has developed a love for learning; she is a dedicated, hardworking student who always completes her work to the highest standard. Together with her mentor, Princess has started thinking about her future aspirations and planning the next steps in her education and career journey.
What do you hope to achieve by coming to IntoUniversity?
‘IntoUniversity is really helpful because it gives me a space to come to and complete my work. The staff are also really helpful and I know that I can ask them for support if I need anything. I want to be a flight attendant when I’m older and I feel like the staff really help me.’
How has IntoUniversity helped you?
‘IntoUniversity has really helped me get better grades. Being able to go on trips has really improved my confidence because I have gotten to see things I wouldn’t usually have. For example, we visited the Tate Modern and I felt that it really helped me see things differently; the museum was so big and interesting. The staff also give me confidence.’
What is your best memory of IntoUniversity?
‘My best memories of IntoUniversity were the mentoring trips. I don’t even have one in particular that’s my favourite because I have loved them all! I find it really interesting and useful to be able to see different things. I’d also say coming to Academic Support is a really good memory for me because it’s really important for me to be in a classroom setting.’
What do you most enjoy about IntoUniversity?
‘I enjoy Mentoring the most. It has really helped me to figure out what I want to do in the future. Another one of my favourite things is having access to laptops and being able to get on with things when I need to [in Academic Support].’
Which IntoUniversity programme did you find most beneficial and why?
‘Mentoring and Academic support are the most beneficial because I get one-to-one support which allows me to go through everything in my own time. The feedback is personal and it helps me concentrate on what I need to get done.’
How has IntoUniversity supported you to think about your future?
‘My goal is to be a flight attendant. My mentor used to be a flight attendant which is so good because I can ask her questions. For example, she told me the kinds of subjects I might want to take which I wouldn’t have known otherwise. I feel very supported with how to achieve my goals.’