Trusts and foundations
Trusts and Foundations have played a vital role in the establishment and development of IntoUniversity, directly enabling it to become the highly effective charity that it is.
Trusts and Foundations have played a vital role in the establishment and development of IntoUniversity, directly enabling it to become the highly effective charity that it is.
We are very proud of our trust and foundation partnerships, and work closely with all of them to support the delivery of our work in our centres.
We are seeking new trust and foundation partners in the coming years to support the establishment of new IntoUniversity centres, to sustain the quality of our programmes across our network, and to support new initiatives that will further enhance our work.
By partnering with IntoUniversity, our trust and foundation partners will have the opportunity to visit our learning centres, meet our education workers and our brilliant students, and hear directly from our founders about the future direction and impact of the charity.
IntoUniversity has helped my children so much. It has improved their confidence and allowed them to make friends. For me, it is a great help as I couldn’t give them the help they need because, due to my circumstances, I haven’t finished my own education. They really enjoy coming to Academic Support and then telling me what they do in the sessions.Parent of Academic Support Students
IntoUniversity has a robust impact measurement system enabling us to assess the effectiveness of our programmes, ensuring that they have the greatest impact for the young people we serve.
students were supported by IntoUniversity in 2022/23
of our 2023 school leavers progressed to university*
*compared to 28% of students from similar backgrounds nationally.
of parents report improved confidence in their child in 2022/23
If you would like to find out more about IntoUniversity, please contact the Trusts and Foundations team below.