How having a mentor supports wellbeing and personal development

Our mentoring programme provides the young people we work with the opportunity to receive mentoring from volunteers, who provide support and act as positive role models. Ebenezer, now a first-year degree apprentice at a financial services company, writes about his experience of the IntoUniversity Corporate Mentoring programme and the support he received from his mentor, Tom.

I heard about IntoUniversity whilst I was still in Year 12. I actually signed up to IntoUniversity to gain access to a learning platform and was unaware of the extent of the work done by the organisation. I definitely did not foresee how much I would gain on the day I went home and made the phone call to get involved.

I first learnt about the Corporate Mentoring programme through an email that I received whilst I was in Year 13. I decided to join the programme because I saw an opportunity to better myself and realised that commencing mentoring would allow me to learn from someone who’s been through the [university application] process. 

For me, mentoring was an opportunity to have a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction. My first mentoring meeting was amazing. Tom and I had our first meeting online and there were so many questions that we both had. There wasn’t a dull moment even though we had only just met. The hardest thing about our first meeting was trying to find a regular time that worked for both of us, but other than that it was plain sailing. 

I started the mentoring scheme around the time when I started applying for degree apprenticeship opportunities. While I enjoyed my time in sixth form, I always preferred learning by doing things as opposed to sitting in a classroom. While I was applying, my mentor Tom supported me by providing different content that would help me during assessment centres. At the time he told me that his partner ran assessment centres and being able to receive this advice was a blessing.


Ebenezer and his mentor, Tom, speaking at IntoUniversity’s Corporate Mentoring launch event in 2023

What I really loved about Tom was his ability to relate to me even though he’s in a different career and quite a few years ahead of me. It’s not always the case that it’s so easy to relate to a mentor when they’re not doing exactly what you would like to be doing but, surprisingly, Tom’s been one of the best mentors I’ve ever had. The mentoring sessions became productive very early on as Tom and I got to know each other. Our sessions together weren’t only based on the academic side of things but I had someone who was able to give me a fresh perspective on all the things I was involved in: from applying to apprenticeships to running the window cleaning business I had at the time. 

While grades are important, my mentor helped me to focus on the bigger picture and improve my interpersonal skills such as managing time effectively, staying organised, and exploring study techniques that suited my learning style. I remember having a session with Tom where we noted all the different things I was involved in and we categorised them by priority so I would be able to see how much time I should be spending on certain tasks. That session was really useful as I was able to see things from a new perspective, and at the time I was reminded of the fact that I had to get the most important things done. Knowing that I had someone in my corner who believed in me and offered guidance really did help me during sixth form when things got really hectic.

As I reflect on my journey with mentoring, I am reminded of the profound impact it has had on my well-being, academic success, and personal growth. Tom played a crucial role in helping me learn to manage my work, study, and life balance. He constantly reminded me of the importance of taking breaks and looking after my mental health, which I tended to overlook. By pushing me to set realistic goals and prioritise tasks effectively, he helped me create a more manageable schedule. This balance allowed me to stay even more productive without burning out.

Through the guidance, support, and encouragement I received from mentoring, I gained lifelong lessons that have continued to help me today.


Find out more about Corporate Mentoring

Find out more about University Student Mentoring


From 14th – 28th May, we’re taking part in the Big Give’s Kind2Mind Match Fund campaign, raising funds for our Mentoring Programme. Any donations through our Big Give fundraising page will be matched, meaning that you could double the impact of your donation!

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Our mentoring programme provides the young people we work with the opportunity to receive mentoring from volunteers, who provide support and act as positive role models. Ebenezer, now a first-year degree apprentice at a financial services company, writes about his experience of the IntoUniversity Corporate Mentoring programme and the support he received from his mentor, Tom.