The FOCUS Programme
Working with schools, universities and corporate partners, we provide information, advice and guidance, and support development of key skills through fun and immersive workshops.
Academic Support encourages young people to become active, curious and independent learners.
At each centre, IntoUniversity staff provide sessions of structured academic study after school, helping students age 7-18 to develop effective study skills. Students have access to essential resources that they may not have at home such as books, university prospectuses and computers, as well as trained staff and volunteers.
Primary students may also study our tailored, termly curriculum which is based on university degree subjects. Each ‘degree’ covers key National Curriculum/Curriculum for Excellence numeracy and literacy learning objectives.
Secondary students may also complete projects as part of the ‘Future Readiness Award’ where they develop the meta-cognitive skills necessary to become independent learners. Past projects have supported students to create bold presentations and take part in lively debates.
Ages 7-18
Find out more about the strands that make up our innovative programme of support.
Working with schools, universities and corporate partners, we provide information, advice and guidance, and support development of key skills through fun and immersive workshops.
The Mentoring programme provides our young people with positive role models and the opportunity to realise their full potential.
Our additional programmes focus on building students' confidence, teamwork and leadership and broadening their horizons.