Diversity and Inclusion

We want to be a place where everyone can be heard and where everyone can belong and we are working to achieve that.

Our statement

We exist to tackle educational injustice and to support young people to achieve their goals. We want our staff team to be diverse and representative of the many communities we work with – we are striving to achieve this. We are committed to our own continuous learning as we embed diversity and inclusion in all that we do. We want IntoUniversity to be a place where staff, students, and families can thrive. We know that this will make us a better organization, a better place to work and a better place to learn.

What we have achieved so far

  • Recruitment review focusing on staff diversity and accessibility
  • D&I Forum established with a purpose to contribute to D&I strategy and to ensure adequate prioritisation within the organisation
  • D&I review of all programmes and work to embed a D&I approach across all programmes
  • Improved D&I training for new and existing staff
  • Engagement with external organisations with additional expertise

In the next three years, IntoUniversity will become a place where:

  • Staff actively contribute to make the organization diverse and inclusive
  • We attract, retain and promote a diverse workforce who feel equally valued
  • Stakeholders feel our commitment to D&I is authentic
  • Employees are confident we will listen and respond to D&I issues
  • There is trust and confidence in policies and procedures which relate to D&I

Read our Diversity and Inclusion Strategy

I am really proud of the direction IntoUniversity is going – all teams put D&I at the forefront and everyone contributes to this work. I am proud of the D&I forum and of being able to chair such passionate members of the charity – I believe I created (with the help of the members) an open and safe environment where members can express themselves. It has kickstarted projects such as staff networks, more inclusive recruitment strategies and guidance documents for staff. It's been great to be a part of a direct vehicle for change and I look forward to seeing many more successes in the following years!"
Jenneh Edem-Hotah, Head of Diversity and Inclusion

How our D&I goals reflect our values

At IntoUniversity we believe that our values should shape everything that we do.

Staff Networks

In autumn 2022, we launched our first staff networks: the LGBTQIA+ and Allies Network, the Disability Network and the Global Majority Collective Network. The purpose of our staff networks is to celebrate diversity and identity at IntoUniversity, provide a welcoming space for discussion and improve staff experience by providing community. They are always on the lookout for new members to join their regular meetings and grow their network communities.

Contact us to find out more

Our D&I Forum

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